“Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:2”
Sunday Morning Schedule
At Salem, we seek to be a place for all people to grow in relationship with God and with others. We hope that everyone will find something for them on Sunday morning at Salem!
9:15 am
CONFIRMATION CLASS: This class exposes our junior high age students to the Bible, the history of the church, and the theology of the church, and invites them to consider their own commitment to faith in Jesus. If you have a seventh or eighth grader you would like have in the confirmation class, please contact Pastor Linda. Breakfast is provided!
9:30 am
ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Amy Julia Becker, author of White Picket Fences and A Good and Perfect Gift, leads a lively, engaging conversation and teaching with in-depth study of the Bible. The study meets in the Lydia Room. Childcare is provided.
CHOIR REHEARSAL: The choir rehearses before worship on Sunday at 9:30 am in addition to its Thursday evening rehearsal. If you would like to be part of the choir, please contact the church office.
10:30 am
WORSHIP: The whole church, young and old, gathers to sing, pray, give, and hear the word proclaimed. Child care is available for children from birth through preschool.
CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL, DIVE DEEP, AND CHILD CARE: Following the Children's Message in church, Children are invited to Children's Church. Children, Grades K-3 have Bible lessons and age-appropiate activities to help teach them biblical truths. Children, Grades 4-6 are invited to Dive Deep, with lessons designed specifically for this age group . Childcare is provided for infants through pre-school.