“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12”
Discipleship is the act of following Jesus daily, and seeking to continue to grow more and more in relationship with him and with the world. Jesus chose 12 disciples to follow him closely while he was here on earth. Then he asked his disciples to "go and make disciples of all nations."
We believe that Christian formation is on-going in all of us. At Salem, opportunities are provided for adults to deepen in their faith, and grow in their knowledge and understanding of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Sunday Adult Bible Study. This study meets each Sunday morning at 9:30 am in the Lydia room. The group is led by Amy Julia Becker, author of The Perfect Gift, Small Talk, White Picket Fences and To Be Made Well . This winter/spring's curriculum is the life of the Apostle Peter.
Special Seminars - Quarterly there are different seminars held on a relevant topics of today. In March, we will welcome back Karen Wunderlich, a Nurse Practitioner, from the Women’s Health Center of New Milford, for a Saturday morning seminar for women.
An 8-week Bible Discussion on Exodus starts Monday, February 6 at 7:00 pm via Zoom. If you are interested in participating, email Pastor Linda, pastor@salemcovenantchurch.com for the link.
Men's Breakfast - Several times in the year, the men of the church gather for breakfast.
Prayer Calendar - Each Fall a prayer calendar is available to all. Every individual/family has a day of prayer devoted just for them, along with the schools, organizations and civic in the community.
Evening Prayer - The fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm , we gather together for a time of concerted and fervent prayer on behalf of those in our church, the Church, our community and beyond.
More Bible studies and growth opportunities are always in the works!