“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.
Hebrews 4:10”
Mission is the way that we individually an collectively live out God's kingdom purpose in our world. In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of the separating of the sheep and the goats and asks, when did we see him hungry, naked, sick, and the like and care for him? If practices like worship and prayer are ways that we love God with out head and heart, mission can be imagined as the way we love God with our hands. Mission is rooted in our abundant life in Christ. Because God first loved us, we are free to love the others in our homes, in our communities, and in our world. While many people at Salem are involved in mission in a myriad of ways, below is a sampling of some of the mission work we have been involved in locally, regionally and globally over the past couple of years.
The WCOC consists of the six established religious congregations in the Town of Washington, who are working together for the benefit of our community. They include First Congregational Church of Washington, the Greater Washington Coalition for Jewish Life, New Preston Congregational Church, the Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Hope, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church, and Salem Covenant Church. Together we seek to serve our neighbors through a variety of collaborative efforts.
Loaves and Fishes: Loaves and Fishes is a ministry in New Milford that feeds people who are homeless. A group from our church prepares and serves dinner here on the first Friday of each month.
Susan B Anthony Project - The Susan B. Anthony Project promotes safety, healing and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.
Washington Community Fund - Our town has a fund specifically to aid those withinour own community who are struggling to finance basic provisions such as oil, rent, electricity, and food. Our church contributes a portion from our budget to help our neighbors in need.
New England Seafarer's Mission: The Seafarer's mission is a ministry to the ship workers from all over the world who visit the ports of New England. We support this ministry financially and have occasional volunteer groups go. Our next group from Salem will be going this Fall.
Adelbrook: Adelbrook is a state-of-the-art residential treatment center, special education school, and family treatment center. In addition to financial support, we routinely collect and sends gifts and school supplies for the children at the Adelbrook.
Pilgrim Pines Conference Center: Our regional denominational retreat, camping and conference center that offers a multitude of programs for people of all ages.
AVA - Advocates for Victims of Abuse - We are aware abuse happens in every sector. Our denominations realizes the long-term impact this has upon women and men. Partnering with AVA, we seek to help those who are suffering from this epidemic of violence. We hope to better educate others about abuse, to help prevent it, and help those who are the victims of it.
Project Hope: Covenant Kids Congo - Our church currently sponsors 14 children living in Gemena, Congo - the poorest region in the world. With the support of Covenant churches, including ours, we are providing financial resources for education, clean water, healthy hygiene practices, medical access, and self-sustaining food resources to the entire community.
Covenant World Relief is the humanitarian aid ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church. We participate in God’s transforming mission in the world through disaster relief and community development among the most vulnerable. We work with Covenanters and other partners around the world to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable who suffer from extreme poverty, hunger, disease, and injustice. Our mission is to love, serve, and work together with the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized.
Covenant World Mission
Covenant World Mission (CWM) is the humanitarian aid ministry of the Evangelical Covenant Church. We participate in God’s transforming mission in the world through disaster relief and community development among the most vulnerable. We work with Covenanters and other partners around the world to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable who suffer from extreme poverty, hunger, disease, and injustice. Our mission is to love, serve, and work together with the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized.