Advent and Christmas Services and Events
'The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.' -John 1:5
Please join us this Advent and Christmas season as we celebrate together the good news that it is not our righteousness, it is not our goodness, and it is not our striving that leads us closer to God. But, it is God who sent his son to be born in a humble manger for our sake and for the sake of the world!
Sunday, December 6 at 10:30 a.m. - Second Sunday of Advent - Worship and Holy Communion and High Coffee - At Salem, we are committed to creating and maintaing an environment where all people feel loved and accepted by each other so that we can, in turn, gain a more clear understanding of ourselves and of God. In Covenant Churches, we celebrate open communion which means all who put their trust in Christ are welcome to the table of grace. Our God welcomes you, and so do we. We hope that, in worshipping with us, you will experience the love, openness, and grace of our God and this church! We will also this day celebrate the baptism of August Leigh Cannavaro.
Saturday, December 12 at 5 p.m. - Annual Choir Christmas Concert - Our excellent choir will offer their annual concert on this Saturday. It is a popular event, so be sure to get here to get a good seat!
Sunday, December 13 at 10:30 a.m. - Third Sunday of Advent - Please join us as we light the third candle and as the excitement builds for the celebration of the coming of Christ!
Sunday, December 20 at 10:30 a.m. - Fourth Sunday of Advent - Worship and the Children's Christmas Pageant - You will not want to miss this special service where the children and youth of the church will present the Christmas narrative!
Tuesday, December 22 at 6:00 p.m. - Blue Christmas Service - A Blue Christmas service is a service where we gather around our friends and our community and pray for those who are sick, struggling with addictions, or dealing with loss. We remember that Jesus knows our sorrow and walks with us. A Blue Christmas service will be held on December 22 2015 which is the longest night on the calendar. We hope that you can make it to the church that day to be with and pray for those who are struggling this season.
Saturday, December 24 at 5 p.m. - Christmas Eve Candlelight Service - Our Christmas eve service is for all people, young and old, as we celebrate together. It is a holy and reflective time, singing familiar hymns and hearing the good news once again that 'Christ the savior is born!'